domingo, diciembre 17, 2006

Journal of Object Technology

Excelente material: Journal of Object Technology. Participan en su equipo editorial nombres que garantizan un trabajo consistente en OO: Kent Beck, Peter Coad, Ivar Jacobson, Bertrand Meyer, Erich Gamma, James Gosling, o Jean Bézivin, por mencionar a los más destacados.

Journal of Object Technology (JOT) is an on-line peer-reviewed publication, published six times per year by the ETH Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, aimed at intermediate to advanced practitioners, educators and researchers in the field of object technology.

The mission of JOT is to present its readers with timely, well-written, and interesting state-of-the-art papers and special features (columns, book reviews, software reviews) dealing with every aspect of object technology both theoretical and practical. Topics include OOA, OOD, patterns, OODBMS, OO languages, components and case studies. The columns, both guest and regular, are written by recognized specialists and experts in the field.

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