domingo, octubre 01, 2006

...y hablado de historia, eXtreme Programming

XP, reciente, pero merecedora de una recopilación histórica. Mencionada por Steve Yegge en su artículo sobre Agile (Bad Agile, Good Agile), que conocí por el blog de Juan Palacio
(Bad Agile, Good Agile, y otros fundamentalismos).
Extreme Programming was created by Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, and Ron Jeffries during their work on the Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System (C3) payroll project. Kent Beck became the C3 project leader in March 1996 and began to refine the development methodology used on the project. Kent Beck wrote a book on the methodology, and in October 1999, Extreme Programming Explained was published. Chrysler cancelled the C3 project in February 2000, but the methodology had caught on in the software engineering field. As of 2006, a number of software-development projects continue to use Extreme Programming as their methodology.
¿Cómo tomar el comienzo fallido en Chrysler? Quizá más bien como un aspecto más de los fallos en la competitividad de la industria automotriz americana frente a la japonesa (¿y cuáles son las prácticas en estas empresas?)

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