domingo, agosto 06, 2006

Lecturas: una estrategia para sostener la fuerza de trabajo de IT en USA

El análisis del libro corresponde a un momento que terminó en una crisis que debilitó el sistema, pero no está de más ver su sentido estratégico: Building a Workforce for the Information Economy (2001). Es de interés particularmente el estudio de la enseñanza científica y técnica en Estados Unidos:
As noted in Chapter 3, large increases in demand are forecast for Category 1 IT workers, who generally require high levels of formal education. It is axiomatic that preparation for such occupations involves adequate education, the first step of which is K-12 education that prepares students for college-level study of computer science, electrical engineering, and other IT-related fields. In addition to providing specific preparation for college-level study, the process of studying science and mathematics may help young people to develop foundational or core IT skills and abilities (discussed in Chapter 2) that they can take directly into certain Category 2 jobs or build upon in the course of additional study of IT-related topics.

In the discussion below, the committee focuses on secondary mathematics and science education, rather than primary or middle school education. The reason is that it appears to be at this level that the “average ” mathematics and science education in the United States is particularly weak (Box 7.1), although reform efforts have been under way at every level for at least a decade. (Capítulo 7, Longer-Term Strategies for Increasing the Supply of Qualified Labor: Training and Education)
En The National Academy Press.

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