En Clarín:
Los títulos se dispararon luego de que se supiera que está en negociaciones con Verizon Wireless y Sprint y que quiere competir con las redes sociales Facebook y MySpace. En lo que va del año, las acciones han ganado un 52%.Las acciones del Google superaron hoy en el mercado del Nasdaq en Nueva York los 700 dólares por título, después de saberse que está en negociaciones con Verizon Wireless y Sprint y que quiere competir con las redes sociales Facebook y MySpace.
Las acciones de Google llegaron a tocar los 701,47 dólares y a la media hora de la apertura del Nasdaq subían 4,68 dólares (un 0,67 por ciento) hasta los 699,45 dólares por título.
Los inversores compraban acciones de la compañía tras conocerse que dentro de dos semanas se espera que anuncie un nuevo software y servicios para que los fabricantes de teléfonos móviles pueden adaptarlos al sistema operativo de Google, que está previsto que salga al mercado en 2008. Las acciones de Google han subido un 52 por ciento en lo que va de año y un 723 por ciento desde que en agosto de 2004 empezó a cotizar en el Nasdaq.
Comentarios, discusiones, notas, sobre tendencias en el desarrollo de la tecnología informática, y la importancia de la calidad en la construcción de software.
miércoles, octubre 31, 2007
Google a 700 dólares por acción
domingo, octubre 28, 2007
Ricardo Galli cambia de servidor
sábado, octubre 27, 2007
Telefonía móvil en Argentina
"La telefonía celular atraviesa una situación formidable. Argentina ya tiene mayor penetración de móviles sobre la cantidad de hogares que los EEUU", afirmó el multimillonario Carlos Slim, considerado el hombre más rico del mundo y uno de los mayores empresarios de las telecomunicaciones a nivel mundial.En todo caso, el elogio no se corresponde con la importancia relativa de su inversión...
"Más del 90% de la población tiene celular y es el número más alto de toda América, expresó el magnate mexicano al matutino porteño Clarín.
La empresa de telecomunicaciones Telmex, propiedad del mexicano, anunció que invertirá u$s2.430 millones en 2008. La inversión se destinará a fortalecer la infraestructura, reforzar la banda ancha y desarrollar proyectos.
La cantidad económica que la empresa prevé invertir el próximo año, representa un 28% más de lo estimado para 2007.
La empresa informó que de esa suma de dinero, invertirá u$s1.100 millones en México, u$s700 millones en Brasil, u$s300 millones en Colombia, u$s60 millones en la Argentina, u$s70 millones en Ecuador, u$s100 millones para Perú y una cifra similar para Chile.
Citado en Infobae, tomado de una reunión empresaria en Uruguay.
miércoles, octubre 24, 2007
Web y negocios: Estrategias erróneas
Ghrist en su idioma:
I have a gripe, and I'm wondering how many people out there share it with me. My gripe is that there are a surprising number of product vendor websites that make it illogically difficult to get information from those sites about the products their companies offer.Ghrist usa una hipotética búsqueda de producto (un software que cree estadísticas para la temporada de baseball):
I've never actually confronted a vendor about this, and I don't mean to imply all the violators are in our market -- they're not. I'm not going to name names, either. But if any of what follows strikes a distant chord with you, whether you're a software vendor or not, take a look at your own website and see if your company might not be guilty of at least one, if not a few, of these sins.
let's say you're the IT manager of a company that wants to offer fantasy baseball leagues to the public next season. You've got a shiny new 525, and you need a piece of software to run on it that compiles baseball statistics and lets users rank players based on any given statistic, for starters. Other features would be gravy, maybe gravy worth having, but it depends on what they are. But you don't want to talk to a salesperson yet. You want to get a feel for what's out there, what features are pretty standard in the available products, what special options only one or two packages might offer, what a general ballpark (pun intended, blush) price might be. After all, when you actually do call a salesperson, you certainly don't want to sound like you're some ignorant mark who's calling a salesperson of baseball statistics software for the first time, do you? So off you go on a search of baseball statistics application vendors' websites.)Los tipos de estrategia:
Ninguna información, sólo generalidades
The first kind of website you find is what I'd call the "it's all about the marketese" website. It's the kind of place where you can't find any product information except vague generalities. These sites have tabs you can click to be directed to "product information," but when you get there, what you find is less than helpful.Algo de información, pero falta de contexto:
The second kind of website I'd call the "deeper mystery" website. It's more normal looking. It has some docs that actually describe some product features. That's helpful. It may even have white papers or a case study or two that describe the software in action or show an actual example of what it did for some company. More helpful. OK, so you're ready to put them on your short list. Oh, but does the software run on the System i? Ahhh, now they have you. After searching every document you can access, you can't even find verification that it runs on a Windows PC! It must run on Everycomputer, that mysterious machine that so many marketing departments seem to assume that all companies have, so why should they bother with niggling little details like the supported platform or OS? And what version of i5/OS does it support? Are you kidding?Información se consigue, pero primero lo ataremos bien:
This one lists its products, each with a one- or two-sentence description that tells you "for sure, this is a baseball statistics software vendor all right," but not much more. But there's the promise of much more here. The site says it offers all sorts of information: testimonials, reviews, charts comparing (unfavorably, of course) competing products to this vendor's wonderful offering, maybe even some actual user docs. But there's one little catch. To access any of it, you have to fill out a long demographics form in which you identify yourself, your company, your phone number, your e-mail address, your company's gross income, your annual IT budget, how much you're willing to spend on baseball statistics software. . . and you're not allowed to submit the form if so much as one field is left blank. It's about everything you don't want to get into right now. And if you should bite like the good little fishie they hope you are, don't be going down the hall for the rest of the day because sales people will be calling momentarily.El sitio fantasma, sin detalles, sin información de productos o de la empresa:
This is the kind of website that has a few static pages that describe the business, but not necessarily any products. (Except for one product, unnamed, about which there's someone expositing on the tweak the company made to some piece of code buried somewhere in the product, which the vendor is offering as a public gesture towards openness, but comments in the code date it to early 1999.) There are testimonials about the enterprise, but virtually nothing about offerings. If you want that classified information, you have to fill out one of those anonymous request forms that are automatically e-mailed to "info@anycompany.com" (but at which the intern responsible for checking this e-mail account was laid off two months ago, and this was one duty no one thought to reassign). There's no clue about where this company might be located. There's maybe not even a phone number. You have to contact them their way or not at all.La super-corporación que tiene todo, pero atiende en un número comercial, que nunca da lo que se espera:
It's a megacorporation! It must have what you need. Oh, boy, look at all that statistics software! Five different packages, 50 different options. A GUI in Farsi for the Middle Eastern customers! You've got it made! Just call the 800 number. Oh, but . . . all available operators are busy. And when you do get through, the connection is dropping out, you have to repeat your request twice. "I'll transfer you." A phone ring, changing to another kind of phone ring, after five rings changing to a third kind. The guy who answers has an Indian accent, and there are pauses between what the two of you say while the satellite relays your words. "Sells department? You want sells? I'll transfer you," and you immediately get the "busy-circuit signal." You're punted, go back to start.Este último caso lo vivo frecuentemente...Ya mencioné antes ONO (1)y APP. Aquí se habla de la preventa, lo que es peor, porque una mala atención al tratar de comprar, preanuncia un comportamiento similar (seguramente peor), una vez que el "cliente" está atado.
Como sucede crecientemente en general, uso la consulta por Internet frecuentemente; puedo asegurar que estos casos, y muchos otros mas, son mas comunes de lo que se esperaría. Cualquier recorrida muestra que todavía Internet ocupa un papel secundario en la amplia mayoría de las empresas, comenzando por las pequeñas y medianas, pero no terminando allí.
(1) A propósito de ONO, todavía estoy esperando contestación al e-mail que les enviara entonces, y que telefónicamente reconocían haber recibido.
martes, octubre 23, 2007
El Economista: "Para una empresa, no tener web es como no tener número de teléfono"
Emprendedores (digitales) en España:
En España, ¿qué nivel de 'emprendedores digitales' existe?
En general, hay una aversión el riesgo mayor que en otros países anglosajones, por eso hay un número de emprendedores menor. Eso sí, son mucho más entusiastas que el resto. Las nuevas tecnologías presentan unas barreras de entrada menores de las que tiene la industria tradicional, ya que no requiere una gran inversión de capital, aunque sí es cierto que hay mucho margen de mejora.
Parte de las acciones que se están impulsando desde el Ministerio son de apoyo a la inversión en proyectos. Hemos analizado también las particularidades de la participación del capital riesgo en este sector y hemos constatado que existe un hueco de entre los 300.000 euros y los dos millones en el que el capital riesgo no entra.
Adopción digital en España y su administración:
Qué mercado tienen los medios de comunicación on line?En las empresas, ¿se muestran reacios al cambio tecnológico?
Nuestro trabajo, principalmente, es impulsar que las nuevas tecnologías y la sociedad de la información se utilicen cada vez más pero no sólo por todas las empresas, sino también por todos los ciudadanos y todas las Administraciones. A día de hoy, un empresario no puede dar su tarjeta de presentación sin una dirección de página web, es como no tener número de teléfono. Pero el cambio de mentalidad también afecta a la ciudadanía y a la Administración.
En estos momentos, 20 millones de españoles son usuarios de Internet, cuando hace pocos años eran más o menos un tercio de esta cifra. Además, tenemos tres programas en marcha, el de Educación, Sanidad y Registro Civil, que son estratégicos y van a cambiar la forma de ver España.
Es decir, mucho por hacer en desarrollo digital, tanto para mejorar la administración, como para expandir un mercado potencial muy grande. Queda por ver si la mejora de la administración es vista como un valor conveniente en muchos países americanos. De eso habría que hablar aparte.¿Cómo ve el panorama de los medios de comunicación online?
Tenemos un mercado muy potente y con una capacidad de proyección a Latinoamérica muy grande. En España, existe un mercado doméstico muy fuerte, con más de la mitad de los españoles conectados. Y aún más, porque los hispanohablantes representan una comunidad de 400 millones de personas en todo el mundo, que pueden consumir esos contenidos si se les hacen llegar de la forma correcta y con modelos de negocio adecuados.
sábado, octubre 20, 2007
JIT desde el punto de vista de la Investigación de Operaciones
Las notas son sobre Justo-a-tiempo (Just-in-time). No se trata de un tema que tenga directa relación con la generación de software, pero tiene múltiples contactos directos e indirectos, aparte de su interés conectado con los criterios de calidad acuñados en Japón. Vinculados a JIT, notas sobre inventarios, planeamiento maestro de producción, planeamiento de requerimiento de materiales, TPS, y algunos temas logísticos o de inventarios desde el punto de vista de investigación operativa. Simplemente un link, pero una cuestión de entusiasmo, al fin.
.NET alternativa?
En todo caso, una alternativa de enfoque a la arquitectura y sus detalles. Aunque no logré entrar a algunas de las páginas mencionadas, agendaré sus actividades. Algo de sus ideas en algunos de sus sostenedores, David Laribee, Roy Osherove; una explicación, en Martin Fowler.
domingo, octubre 14, 2007
Tercera reunión anual mundial de usuarios de CA Plex/2E
En la Wiki de Plex están disponibles las presentaciones, de interés para quienes trabajan con los productos, tanto como para quien quiera conocer cómo funcionan, y qué alcance tienen. Es destacable el material de Austin ADC y Websydian, en el terreno de desarrollo orientado a Web, y el soporte de arquitecturas orientadas a servicio (SOA).
viernes, octubre 12, 2007
Oracle va por BEA
The Wall Street Journal presiente que existen posibilidades de que la operación se concrete:
Oracle Corp. made an unsolicited $6.66 billion offer for business-management software maker BEA Systems Inc., which has been under pressure from investor Carl Icahn to consider a sale of the company.
Several hours later, BEA issued a response saying the offer "significantly" undervalues the company, but stopped short of rejecting it outright.
Oracle's all-cash bid values BEA at $17 a share, a 25% premium to its closing price Thursday of $13.62. Shares quickly jumped above the offer price in trading Friday, amid speculation that the offer could trigger a bidding war for the San Jose company.
Mr. Icahn, for his part, said he is "certainly happy" about Oracle's bid. Mr. Icahn in recent weeks became the biggest shareholder in BEA, with a 13.22% stake as of Wednesday.
"It definitely should be taken over," Mr. Icahn said in an interview Friday, adding that BEA "would be a great fit with Oracle." He said, though, that he "would like to see it command a better price" and named SAP AG, International Business Machines Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. as other possible acquirers.
(...) Oracle's Mr. Ellison has been eyeing BEA for years, but Alfred Chuang, BEA's founder and CEO, has been firmly opposed to the idea of being acquired, arguing that his company could stay independent through internal research and development. The pressure from BEA shareholders to sell the company is evidence of a sea change in the technology industry that has now opened the door for an Oracle acquisition.
(...) BEA's stock has declined steadily over the past year. Before Mr. Icahn purchased his stake, the stock price was down 24% from its 52-week high last October, a drop that wiped out about $1.5 billion in shareholder wealth. Two months ago, the stock was trading at $11.25.
BEA shares haven't been above $17 since February 2002. The stock's high over the past five years was $16.77 in November.
BEA has been beating back speculation of a sale for some time. In September, Kevin Faulkner, BEA's head of investor relations, said the company had no intention of following Mr. Icahn's advice, saying BEA would get "buried inside a larger sales force."
La posible compra refuerza considerablemente la concentración de competidores en el mercado de ERP´s, a días de concretarse la compra de Business Objects por SAP. En palabras del Wall Street Journal: Four years ago, when Oracle made its PeopleSoft bid and divulged an interest in buying BEA, the move was seen as an audacious and risky one; big software acquisitions were still rare and prone to failure. But the industry has matured since then. That has made it increasingly difficult for smaller, independent players like BEA to compete against giants like Oracle and IBM.
Mi sitio de nuevo en pie
Restablecí anoche, en una hora más o menos, la página como estaba hace varios meses (desde hace casi un año tenía dificultades para editarla, por lo que ya antes estaba desactualizada). En unas semanas variará, tanto como el tiempo me lo permita: los contenidos cambiarán (algunos temas están evidentemente desactualizados, otros hoy los explicaría de otra manera), la base técnica cambiará, la presentación también, y probablemente entren nuevas áreas de interés.
Steven Kelly sobre DSL´s y plataformas
Kelly pone la discusión sobre construcción de software en buenas bases. Servirá, así como el material que se deriva de sus comentarios, para abrir aquí algunas líneas de pensamiento. Será en días y posts próximos...The task when creating a DSM language is thus to achieve the raise in the level of abstraction away from the bits and bytes of the implementation, and to offer a smooth, impedance-free mapping between the problem domain and the language. For both of those, we need to focus on the problem domain (the domain expert view) not the solution domain (the implementation in code).
(...) Let's look at a couple of other people's perspectives. First up, Microsoft's Jezz Santos:
If you understand the difference between problem domain and solution domain in software design, you will know that [software] factories are all about the solution domain. We are so far away from modeling problem domain and turning it into software just yet - forget it for now. It has proven impractical at this time, it is too big a step at this point, we need to evolve to that later.If that really is the Microsoft party line then I'm seriously disappointed. Maybe Microsoft are "so far away" from a real raise in the level of abstraction, but others most certainly have proved that it's practical. Pushing out that kind of poor advice is a disservice to Microsoft's customers, dragging their modeling languages down to near the level of the code. Failing to raise the level of abstraction much was the key reason why Ordina only achieved a productivity increase of less than 20%, despite spending man-years on extending Microsoft's DSL Tools.
Maybe Microsoft are so focused on selling their platforms and frameworks that they are misled into thinking those are primary, and the customers' actual problems and needs are secondary? From a neutral point of view I'd have thought it would be self evident that problems come first, and solutions are dependent on the problems. There can be many different solutions, built with different technologies, that all solve the same problem. Only a technology vendor would take the technology as primary, and declare that all customer problems must be expressed in terms of that technology to be valid.
martes, octubre 09, 2007
Code Generation 2008
Una reunión que debe ser agendada, y una lista de participantes que debe ser seguida. Trataré de sistematizar los papeles relacionados con la reunión anterior en una próxima nota.Call for Session Proposals
Submission Deadline - Friday January 18th 2008We are currently seeking high-quality session proposals covering topics in model-driven software development (including Software Factories, Model-Driven Architecture (MDA), Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), Generative Programming, Software Product Lines and related areas). Sessions could cover topics such as:
- Tool and technology adoption
- Code Generation and Model Transformation tools and approaches
- Defining and implementing modelling languages
- Domain Analysis and Domain Engineering
- Language evolution and modularization
- Meta Modelling
- Runtime virtual machines versus direct code generation
- Flexibility in code generation
- Approaches to code generation
- Approaches to combined development (partial code generation with partial handwritten code)
Real-world case studies based on any aspect of these and related approaches are particularly encouraged although more theoretical sessions are also welcome.
Es importante destacar al otro organizador del encuentro, Software Acumen, la empresa que ocupa a Mark Dalgarno, quien cumple una excelente labor explicando el valor de SPL.
lunes, octubre 08, 2007
SAP compra Business Objects
La noticia:
SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) and Business Objects S.A. (Nasdaq:BOBJ) (Euronext Paris ISIN code: FR0004026250 – BOB) today announced that the companies have reached an agreement that will "bring together two of the information technology industry’s leaders, resulting in an unmatched offering for Business Users, enabling timely and accurate decision-making." (...)Una evaluación de Joe McKendrick:
Under the terms and conditions of the tender offer agreement, SAP will make a cash offer of € 42.00 per ordinary share and for American Depositary Shares (ADS) at the US$ equivalent based on the EUR/US$ exchange rate as of the settlement of the tender offers. The transaction volume taking into account the transaction costs will be slightly above €4.8 billion. The Business Objects board of directors has approved the tender offer agreement between the two companies and anticipates recommending the offer to its shareholders subject to fulfillment of certain regulatory requirements.
Together, SAP and Business Objects intend to offer high-value solutions for process- and business-oriented professionals. The solutions will be designed to enable companies to strengthen decision processes, increase customer value and create sustainable competitive advantage through real-time, multi-dimensional business intelligence. SAP and Business Objects believe that customers will gain significant business benefits through the combination of new, innovative offerings of enterprise-wide business intelligence solutions along with embedded analytics in transactional applications. Additionally, the joint partner ecosystems will be fueled by the industry’s most powerful business process platform providing customers with the best enterprise information management platform available for SAP and non-SAP environments.
According to a report in ComputerWorld, acquiring Business Objects will allow SAP to move into the BI market in a big way. SAP CEO Henning Kagermann said that the acquisition will enable SAP to offer integrated software, versus solutions arising from a partnership between the two companies. The deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2008.La referencia a la debilidad de facilidades de impresión en los ERP´s, le da un lugar importante a Crystal Reports, el software de creación de reportes de BO.
Enterprise systems and business intelligence tools have been moving closer in alignment in recent years. The thrust of the BI industry into corporate performance management draws directly from a enterprise/ERP foundation, so the synergy has been ripe.
In addition, over the years, one of the biggest complaints about ERP software has been its less-than-stellar reporting features. Adding a robust BI capability to the mix may help change that perception. Of course, many leading BI vendors have made a living off filling the reporting gap in ERP systems. It remains to be seen if having Business Objects built into these systems will pose a competitive threat to the bread and butter of BI industry competitors. Plus, since many organizations manage multiple ERP systems, the challenge of consolidating reporting into single views still remains a challenge.
La noticia en el sitio de Business Objects y en SAP.
sábado, octubre 06, 2007
Puntos débiles en las universidades chilenas
Falta de competencias orientadas al negocio, liderazgo y comunicación; malas prácticas de programación, mal manejo del inglés y limitada capacidad de auto-estudio, fueron algunas de las falencias detectadas en una encuesta que el Instituto Profesional AIEP, aplicó a 25 empresas de tecnología y que evaluó en un desayuno junto a la Asociación Chilena de Empresas de Tecnologías de Información (ACTI) y ejecutivos de empresas de este rubro.El problema existe. Lo he visto personalmente. Debe quedar en claro que las universidades cumplen un papel importante en Chile, y que son proporcionalmente numerosos sus estudiantes y profesionales formados, que, por lo demás, son competentes en su área; es decir, son instruídos en aquello para lo que se preparan, y apropian conocimientos. Pero sin embargo, ese conocimiento parece muy acotado a su especialidad. Más aún es visible el escaso uso del inglés (no hablemos del alemán o el francés, u otros), y la disposición para asumir liderazgo. Esto último está hondamente vinculado con el estilo gerencial, acostumbrado al verticalismo y la obediencia. Alguna vez he mencionado la propagación de este estilo hacia abajo, a la relación entre la empresa y el cliente. Es positivo que este tipo de trabajos colabore en explicitar estos limitantes nacionales.
(...)La consulta también reveló que no se conocen los fundamentos de análisis y diseño del desarrollo de software, y que faltan de conocimientos de calidad. Los ejecutivos de empresas TIC chilenas reconocieron que estas falencias son reales, ya que si bien los egresados están preparados técnicamente, pocos cuentan con las llamadas “competencias blandas”, como por ejemplo, el sentido de liderazgo, la capacidad de coordinar equipos de trabajo, y el manejo del concepto de la innovación y creatividad.
miércoles, octubre 03, 2007
La tarjeta de 80 columnas y el RPG (y otros...)
Last weekend at a COMMON planning meeting, the words "you'll have us using 80-column cards next" were uttered by one of the assembled throng. This brought the response, "What do you mean '80 column’? Punch cards were 96 columns!" Such a child! Some of us can not only remember 80-column cards but their forerunners the 36- and 40-column cards.Jon explica las dependencias en RPG con respecto a la tarjeta de 80 columnas:
OK, even I am not old enough to have seen a working 36-column installation, but I was involved in converting one customer from a 40- to an 80-column tabulator system, and another from 40 column directly to a midrange computer system. It seems like a lifetime ago, and if it wasn't for that strange picture in the attic ...
Anyway it got me thinking about how little many of us know of our own history as it relates to the IT industry. Would you believe that there are people out there who actually believe that Bill Gates and Microsoft invented the concept of a windowing GUI! They probably believe they invented DOS too--poor misguided souls.
As you can see there are 80 vertical columns, which explains the 80-column limit in RPG II and RPG III. You might also have wondered why the first five columns of the spec are designated as the sequence number. Well, suppose you had a 600-line RPG program and it was on punch cards. Now suppose that you dropped the box and 600 cards hit the floor. How long do you think it would take you to put the program back in order? Now you understand the reason for the sequence number.Estas dependencias, que continúan, se modificaron en parte aceptando tarjetas de 96 columnas, que permiten un formato "extendido" en los fuentes de RPG, COBOL o CL en el Iseries.
What about the term "zoned numeric"? Take a look at the card at around column 19 and you'll see holes in the top portion (i.e., above the numbers); they are in "the zone." The two rows in this area are referred to as the X and Y zones. In fact, the 0 (zero) position is also treated as a zone. These rows were sometimes also known as the 10, 11 and 0 zones, which made more sense to me since they were at least partly in sequence! The X zone, which was the middle of the three, was used to identify a negative number. So for instance the value -5 would be represented by a hole in the 5 position and one in the X position. That also happens to be the coding for the letter "N." This explains two features of RPG, first why we use the term zoned, and secondly why TESTN is a risky op-code to use if you want to be sure that numeric fields contain nothing but numbers. You see TESTN is quite happy to tell you that "123M" is a valid number because that represents 1234. It is also perfectly happy with "123D" or "123U" since they’re treated as positive numbers.
Some of you may have pondered why it is that when the hex values for A through I are C1 through C9, and J through R are D1 through D9, the letter “S” has a hex value of D2? The answer, as it was explained to me, was simply that having two holes close together weakened the card, so it wasn’t a good idea to use it for such a frequently used letter as S.
Sólo a partir del ILE RPG disminuyeron, al aceptar parcialmente un formato libre.
Lo que se dice del RPG es ampliable al formato de columnas del COBOL. (Otro artículo para archivar en la fugaz web)