sábado, noviembre 13, 2010

Jean Bezivin y MDE, segunda entrada

Jean Bezivin acaba de publicar una nueva entrada sobre el orígen de MDA/MDE.
Dice Jean:
Why this change, between 1995 and 1996 from “Unified Method” to “Unified Language“? The reason is that, at this period people realized that there was no possibility to propose a unique software development method. The goal of the OOAD at OMG was not only too ambitious, but is was an impossible mission.
There is an infinity of possible software processes answering the question of who is doing what, when, how and why in the software development and maintenance world.
The decision of OMG to reduce the ambition of this initiative was most clever.

Recuerdo haber visto antes su esquema del orígen de UML. ¿Cómo seguirá ahora el grafo? ¿Otras variantes colaterales de entonces, o posteriores, no estarán en su futura derivación?

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