lunes, septiembre 11, 2006

Visual Studio SDK: DSL Tools

Stuart Kent acaba de anunciar la disponiblidad de la documentación de Microsoft sobre DSL Tools (Domain Specific Languages).
La definición de Microsoft:

A domain-specific language, in contrast to a general-purpose language, is designed to be useful for a specific task in a fixed problem domain. Using Domain-Specific Language Tools, you can build customized modeling tools. You can define a new modeling language and implement it very simply. For example, you can create a specialized language to describe a user interface, a business process, a database, or the flow of information, and then you can generate code from those descriptions.

You can use Domain-Specific Language Tools to construct custom visual designers tailored to your problem domain. For example, you can create a tool to describe concepts that are specific to the way your organization models business processes. If you are building a state chart tool, you can describe what a state is, what properties a state has, what kinds of states exist, how transitions between states are defined, and so on. A state chart that describes the status of contracts in an insurance company is superficially similar to a state chart that describes user interaction among pages on a Web site, but the underlying concepts that they convey differ significantly. By creating your own domain-specific language and custom model designer, you can specify exactly what state chart concepts you need in your tool
DSL es uno de los puntos de apoyo del concepto de Software Factory de Microsoft y Jack Greenfield. La lectura detallada de la documentación muestra sus puntos fuertes y débiles:
Básicamente, sólo grandes proyectos, o dominios de problema estables y contínuos, pueden promover la creación de un DSL específico.

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