domingo, agosto 13, 2006

I5: Primera Wiki acerca del ISeries

Este es el segundo intento de establecer una base de conocimiento colaborativa sobre el ISeries (o AS400):
The Starter Kit has a long history as a comprehensive source of information on the basics of working with the AS/400 and iSeries. It was first compiled by our editor-in-chief, then senior technical editor, Wayne Madden, and later updated by senior technical editor Gary Guthrie with help from a few other tech editors. It has been open and accessible to all members of the AS/400 Network, now iSeries Network, since the Network's launch. Sadly, however, the Starter Kit has been slowing sliding into obsolescence through lack of subsequent updating.

But thanks to Wiki software, the iSeries Network community can now turn the process around. Our editors and tech editors will help by contributing some of their time and expertise, but we can't do it alone. As you use the Starter Kit and find content you know is out of date, please update it! If you find some information is technically incorrect or confusing to understand, please correct or clarify it! If we all share in the work, we can all share in the reward of having this great community resource.

3 comentarios:

ajut400 dijo...

Hola: Tambien hay un Wiki para iSeries en españa.

Jorge Ubeda dijo...

Gracias por la referencia. No conocía el sitio, y trataré de difundirlo, y si puedo, colaborar.
Disculpas también por tardar tanto tiempo en contestarte...Estoy en pleno translado de ciudad.

Victor dijo...

Hola, Soy de Tucuman , Argentina, y veo como se achica este mercado por el avance de las redes de PC, que a mi criterio no ofrecen la tranquiladad que no dio y nos da durante el dia "iSeries". Como se dice , aún puedo dormir tranquilo por las noches mientras el OS sigue haciendo su tarea. Ah eso si, mientras nosotros descanzamos, los medicos brujos siguen durmiendo sobre sus servidores PC, rogando que no se cuelgue una DLL o una OCX.
