domingo, marzo 18, 2012

Java y Metro/WinRT

Windows 8, en su versión orientada a futuro, es Metro/WinRT. Francamente, no sé si Metro será un nuevo Vista, condenado a ser cambiado a una nueva versión tras ser descartado masivamente; sin embargo, creo que está claro que este será el nuevo sistema operativo de Microsoft, con mayores o menores parches o variaciones, después de un mayor o menor paso de tiempo. Y también está claro que el API de Win32 tiene sus años contados, que será considerado "legacy", y que no se deben esperar mejoras futuras sobre él. En estas condiciones, que creo que son irreversibles desde el punto de vista de Microsoft, WinRT debe ser considerado como el futuro del mercado Windows dependiente.
Si esta premisa es cierta, la pregunta siguiente es acerca del universo de productos, lenguajes o herramientas construídas sobre y para esta plataforma: seguramente, algunas que ya hoy han quedado obsoletas, o cambiarán radicalmente, o deberán repensar una tecnología que las suplante, como sería el caso de Flash. Otras, las más, enfrentan un camino complicado. Particularmente, en este momento pienso en Java; no sé si tendrá sentido crear una máquina virtual pensando en Metro como interfaz de usuario (tiles, pantalla táctil), que pudiera quedar a futuro como algo más asociado al usuario final, a tablets, a dispositivos móviles en general. Pero seguramente sí debe comprobarse que una máquina virtual puede ejecutarse sobre WinRT. No he visto todavía ningún pronunciamiento de Oracle ni de otros responsables del estándar, y probablemente pase algún tiempo antes de que haya alguno; habrá problemas de políticas (qué excelente momento para cerrar Windows a la competencia...), antes de resolver cómo enlazar la máquina virtual. por ahora, solo es posible encontrar algunos sencillos intentos de ejecutar java, algunos logrados, pero doy por entendido que estos casos lo han hecho sobre el escritorio (Win32). La siguiente es una pequeña lista de  casos en este sentido:
Ejecutando Java en DOS, claramente sobre Win32,
Lo mismo, en una edición temprana.
Un intento de  instalar Eclipse.
Un intento algo inadvertido, quizá sobre Metro, pero que cae hacia Win32.
Un intento con muchos problemas.

Sin embargo, lo más sustancioso está en otros casos tempranos enfocando Metro/WinRt. Particularmente uno en Google Groups (The Java Posse), discutiendo los problemas de arquitectura (aunque para nada hay que despreciar otro argumento discutido allí: "The real reason is Microsoft pathetically trying to exclude competitors and competing technologies, trying to impose HTML5 for everything"):
So it seems that Windows 8's new "Metro" user environment will make IE plugin-free. Any attempt to use plugins like Flash, Java, Silverlight or anything else, will bring the user to the "old-style" (as in  Windows 7) desktop, which will be seen as a severe experience degradation for users who prefer the new environment.

I am not as much plugin-hater as some people; in my Android smartphone, I certainly appreciate the support for Flash, for simple practical purposes - the rare website that uses some Flash and has no mobile-optimized version or native Android app. And yeah, my karma be damned but Flash works well enough  for me (admittedly on a nice hardware - Tegra2, dual-core Droid X2, rooted & debloated, Flash updated to 10.3).

Still, I love the idea of a plugin-free world, if only for the security improvement. (Including avoidance of trash like "security plugins" mandated by online banking sites...) But this is not really fair if we consider modern browsers that run plugins in separate and low-privilege processes, plus enhanced plugin technology like Google's (Pepper and NaCl / PNaCl), plus plugins for runtimes that are managed and have their own sandboxing and security mechanisms and are sufficiently well patched (candidates: Java, Flash, Silverlight - yes none of them are perfect, they all add some to the attack surface, but the ever-growing browser is already a huge attack surface, there's no single week going without new security bugs being found in every major browser so I don't think the "three big" plugins would make things significantly worse).

There's already people betting that Microsoft will have to back away and maybe, put an option to allow plugins in Metro mode even if not active by default. I know for sure, that corporations are writing new apps with things like Flash, by the thousands. Everybody complains that the corporate world is still dragging its feet with old versions of IE, remarkably the much reviled IE6; but if you think that ActiveX code for IE6 is holding back the web, this is nothing compared to how much stuff depends on Flash. A plugin-free IE10+ will be adopted in corporate world by 2020 with some optimism...

What about the applet tag? This is not part of HTML5 anymore, but it's part of previous versions even if deprecated. This should give Java applets special privileges, at least if Metro-mode-IE will support pre-HTML5 markup (and sure as hell it must, for a long time still). I'm too lazy to install the Win8 beta just to check this, would anybody report if applet [tag] works in Metro/IE? Just curious, I guess it doesn't...

Even in HTML5, there's the [object] tag which is supported and not even deprecated. Will Microsoft break the spec and declare that this feature of HTML5 is not supported in Metro mode? What about Java WebStart, maybe the deployment toolkit can be adapted to detect Metro and not depend on [object], I guess the only fundamental need is the ability to download a JNLP file and launch the associated program? Will Metro restrict such launching too? Both Oracle and Adobe are working on their Plan B for the eventual dominance of HTML5, with new tooling that convert their stuff in plain HTML5. In Oracle's case, there is hope for JavaFX 2.0 if its Web Runtime turns out to be good (it's not yet included in the public beta so I have no idea). There is no similar hope though for old-style, AWT/Swing applets or JAWS apps that will not benefit from a similar Web Runtime.

By the way, the JavaFX Web Runtime (WRT) will be a very interesting test for the claim that Javascript & HTML5 can be fast enough and powerful enough to build any application, competing at least with Java/Silverlight/Flash if not with native apps. Summarizing, the WRT will have a pure-web implementation of the JavaFX frameworks (animation, controls, graphics etc.), I guess using canvas or WebGL and Javascript; and the application code will be (perhaps partially) converted to Javascript code. So, supposing that this WRT is well designed and implemented - and that's a core part of the v2.0 reboot plan so I guess they carefully redesigned the whole thing to make the WRT possible - then if it turns out to be much less efficient than the conventional runtime, this will be strong evidence that the mantra "HTML5/Javascript is fast enough" is bullshit. Let's wait and see.

In another interesting development, Google's technologies like PNaCl and Dart can be powerful enablers for anything that generates Javascript code, from GWT to Adobe's and Oracle's  tools. Dart is supposed to be much more efficient than Javascript, and also, the Java language will probably be much
closer to Dart than it is to Javascript (less sure about AS3...); and I'm sure Oracle and Adobe can write new compilers that emit Dart code instead of Javascript code. Or even, PNaCl code. So if these Google technologies succeed, they can benefit other platforms too. We will still be able to run other browsers in Win8. 
Otra interesante apertura es la expuesta en Iced in code:
The big question now is where does JavaSE fit in all this bold re-imagining? Oracle/Sun have done a great deal of work over the past few years to get Java to work pretty well on Windows and become as natively integrated as possible, but with the re-working of Windows, Java will be confined to the “legacy” application section for the time being, and will not be able to play with the new cool kids in the “Metroverse”. I wonder what steps Oracle  is going to take to make Java still a viable product in the new Windows 8 platform, or will they simple give up and require us all to move to platform specific programming again, like C#?
y alguna acotación de lectores:
First, Oracle should under all circumstances make Java SE compatible with the new platforms like tables, macbooks and metro to keep their concept intact – OR – find a way to easily let Java SE applications run as “apps-likes” under another Java distribution made specificly to these platforms.
Second, Metro is nothing more (or less) than a simple “start-web-page”. Windows 8 is very similar to Windows 7, with program and filesystem seperated – where android and apple are more likely to melt these two things together. Therefore I doesn’t like andorid and apple as their operationsystem are defining the limitations. Some people would call that user-friendliness, I partially agree with that.
I believe that Windows 8 Metro will be an extension to their current desktop on traditional computers, but not a future replacement making the desktop legacy – and we won’t see anything like this within the next 10 years. But Windows 8 Metro will be the beginning of web and computers melting together – and this will eventually make the desktop computer look more like a tablet – and a tablet will look more like a desktop computer – and that will happen!
Uno de los casos que chocaron con WinRT.
Una discusión que refiere a Intel y ARM.

En fin, faltando una respuesta oficial de Oracle, comienza a abrirse el juego. ¿Va usted sopesando el impacto de Windows 8 en sus inversiones en licencias, plataformas, aplicaciones?

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