sábado, julio 31, 2021

Elemental, Watson

 Leyendo publicaciones técnicas hoy, tan pronto como levantan la vista al nivel de arquitectura, parecería que lo único que existe es una arquitectura basada en microservicios, y lo demás es monolitico y repudiable (o peyorativamente, simplemente monolitos de la prehistoria). Dice Atul Mittal, en Medium:

Is it always necessary to have Microservice Architecture instead of Monolithic Architecture?

The answer is NO, BIG NO. You should very understand the efforts and the value your product brings in. Generally, at first, implementing Microservice Architecture is a very tedious task, you need to have a separate Team/Architecture for each component that you need to have in your Application and a lot of thought process goes into that which might not be a viable option for small companies or Application built in very less budget, so there comes a saviour way to create Applications in “Monolithic” fashion or you can also say “traditional” way of creating Applications. If there are not so many components in that case also, you can think to adopt a “Monolithic’ way of doing things. But keep in mind, to modularize your application as much as possible so that later in case you want to redesign it in a “Microservice” way you don’t face many challenges in doing so.

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