Aunque hemos conversado más de una vez sobre su significado, la descripción de uno de sus tutoriales explica razonablemente su meta:
Product Line Engineering is a common approach to address a business with a family of related software products. Instead of having separated development projects for each product in the family, products are built using a shared set of core assets, such as reference architectures and common infrastructure and domain-specific components. Key drivers for PLE are the potential cost savings due to shared core assets, as well as new business opportunities by, for instance, supporting tight integration and improved interworking among members of the product family.Estoy persuadido de que SPL y MDD recorren caminos convergentes y retroalimentados. Uno de los tutoriales que se desarrollarán, toca esta característica: "Leveraging Model Driven Engineering in Software Product Lines", desarrollado por Bruce Trask and Angel Roman:
Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is a promising recent innovation in the software industry that has proven to work synergistically with Software Product Line Architectures (SPLA). It can provide the tools necessary to fully harness the power of Software Product Lines. The major players in the software industry including commercial companies such as IBM, Microsoft, standards bodies including the Object Management Group and leading Universities such as the ISIS group at Vanderbilt University are embracing this MDE/SPLA combination fully. IBM is spearheading the Eclipse Foundation including its MDE tools like the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and the Graphical Modeling Framework. Microsoft has also launched their Software Factories and DSL Toolkit into the MDE space. Top software groups such as the ISIS group at Vanderbilt are using these MDE techniques in combination with SPLAs for very complex systems. The Object Management Group is working on standardizing the various facets of MDE. All of these groups are capitalizing on the perfect storm of critical innovations today that allow such an approach to finally be viable. To further emphasize the timeliness of this technology is the complexity ceiling the software industry find itself facing wherein the platform technologies have increased far in advance of the language tools necessary to deal with them. This complexity ceiling is evident in today’s Software Product Lines.Invito a seguir sus sesiones, a solicitar sus presentaciones, y a tomar contacto con sus participantes. Estas conferencias anuales acercan el mejor material sobre el tema.
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