jueves, noviembre 17, 2011

Críticas a OOP

James Hague, programador funcional (o por lo menos por un tiempo), interesado en Python y Erlang, hablando del primero, hace una referencia a la programación orientada a objetos, puntualizando lo que lo aparta de oop:
 (Don't Distract New Programmers with OOP
[...] The shift from procedural to OO brings with it a shift from thinking about problems and solutions to thinking about architecture. That's easy to see just by comparing a procedural Python program with an object-oriented one. The latter is almost always longer, full of extra interface and indentation and annotations. The temptation is to start moving trivial bits of code into classes and adding all these little methods and anticipating methods that aren't needed yet but might be someday.

When you're trying to help someone learn how to go from a problem statement to working code, the last thing you want is to get them sidetracked by faux-engineering busywork. Some people are going to run with those scraps of OO knowledge and build crazy class hierarchies and end up not as focused on on what they should be learning. Other people are going to lose interest because there's a layer of extra nonsense that makes programming even more cumbersome.

At some point, yes, you'll need to discuss how to create objects in Python, but resist for as long as you can. 
Esta nota de Hague es de marzo de este año. Por casualidad o no, ese mes otro entusiasta de la programación funcional desacredita totalmente oop. Y nada menos que en un curso introductorio de Carnegie Mellon.
Sería muy interesante conocer un balance del curso terminado.

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